Friday, February 29, 2008


Tonight I was presented with an unexpected Friday night off, and thought it would be as good a time as any to renew my faltering relationship with my gym. I'm extra-motivated now, because we leave for Peru in approximately 55 days, and while I know the group that I'm going with has a lot of love for me, I'm not sure they'll maintain that same level of love if they have to carry my panting self up the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.

I was sweating away on the Stairmaster when I noticed one of trainers incorporating a new technique. He had strapped his client into a weighted vest and had essentially leashed her to him using a resistance band. She was running in front of him (or trying to) while he walked the opposite way behind her, pulling back against her as hard as he could.

I will happily walk on the incline trainer wearing my weighted backpack. I will not complain about doing squats on the Bosu ball. I will hum along with my iPod while alternating lunges with sprints. But the second my trainer attempts to introduce a leash into my program...I'm out.

1 comment:

Undercover Boss Babe said...

Way to draw the line between creative training and Alpha male ridiculous antics. And Hi-5 for going to the gym on a Friday night. That's pretty much my life - and I'm not complaining - I like the gym better than most "going out" venues. Can I tell you how much I missed my gym while I was traveling the past month? And I too am feeling the pressure about the physical challenge of our impending adventure - especially when our trip leader has Tiggeresque energy level and bounciness(and personality.... and haircolor). I have been wearing my backpack around the house, but have yet to be unselfconscious enough to run around the neighborhood with it or wear it at the gym. Love ya, babe!