Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A touch of random

It may be because it's 6 a.m., but this struck me as absolutely hilarious. It's a described as a "Portable Lunch Box Stove that plugs into your car's cigarette lighter! Now you can enjoy a hot lunch anywhere, anytime by using koolatron 12 Volt Lunch Box Stove! The Koolatron 12V Lunch Box Stove delivers what you've been waiting for - a hot lunch while you're on the road without stopping for a questionable roadside meal! You can cook your food at home and bring it with you on the road along with the Koolatron Lunch Box Stove for a home cooked meal anytime!"

Emphasis on "questionable roadside meal" is mine. Mainly because I suspect that anything that you could cook with this thing would probably be more questionable than something you'd be able to buy on the road.

Speaking of lunch, and questionable, has anyone ever heard of hotdog fishin' as a lunch idea? No? Prepare to be enlightened. And grossed out. (My comments in parenthesis.)

The description below was contributed by: Ruth Bartley
on Oct 10, 2000 12:41:59AM (Ruth, did you actually make this for your children? If so, are they still speaking to you?)

4 Star Recipe Rating
(Four stars as compared to WHAT? Sending your kid to school with a can of catfood?)

Estimated time to complete recipe:
10 min.

Description of lunch box recipe:
Lunch in a Thermos.

Cook the hot dog, warm the soup of the child's choice. Tie a string around the hot dog, place it in the soup that you have put in the Thermos. (Can't you just see yourself in your bathrobe, sipping coffee, tying string on hotdogs for all the kiddos?) Make sure that you keep enough of the string to place it on the outside when you put the stopper in. Place the bun in a baggie for the hot dog. Your child now has a hot lunch!! (Junior high's not hard enough - make it better by forcing little Johnny to fish his lunch out of a thermos. Definitely beats cutting the crusts off of a PB&J and writing a loving note on a napkin.)

Other suggestions and comments:
This is great with tomato soup for the children that like ketchup on their hot dogs. All of mine love this. If you microwave the hot dogs, they taste just like you fixed them on the grill, and it only takes a minute. (A minute for lunch - a lifetime of terrible memories for your child!)


Unknown said...

OMG, where do you find these things?

Unknown said...

Bad mother, bad mother!

Sholeh said...

hahahaha that could damage a child for life.

why does everyone write about FOOD during the FAST?! aaaah. hehe.

Anonymous said...

I would totally be down with zoo themed pajamas. I like you a lot.