Monday, September 3, 2007

Shag carpet, sign language, and an epiphany!

I keep meaning to do all kinds of things with this blog. I had big plans for it - a banner that expressed my personality, some nice font (something really glittery...) and maybe a format that was a little more organized. Then school started, and I remembered why I'd felt like I had so much time during the three week interim between summer and fall classes. It was because I DID have so much time! I'm not sure how I feel about bulleted updates on blogs, but for the sake of actually getting something out to my adoring fans (the four of us need to get together!) and more for the sake of getting some things out of my head that I'm happy about/proud of/just think are great:

- I just got done painting my bedroom. I am famous for underestimating the amount of time projects like this take. Instead of my optimistically estimated two hours, a mere (actual time not mentioned to save my pride) hours later I am DONE painting, rearranging, hanging new curtains, and resurrecting my down comforter from winter storage in the basement. (Yes, I know it's only September. But I do love snuggling with some goose-y goodness while I drift off to dreamland. Yes, I just said that. No, spellcheck didn't like it.) My room is now orange. It's like living on the inside of a hibiscus...or a fall leaf...or a citrus fruit...depending on the season. (Note: during the course of the project, I was inspired to lift the corner of my cream-colored, three-inch thick (long?) shag carpeting to see if there was hardwood underneath it. Sadly, there was not. Note II: I fail to understand why, when recarpeting a house, someone would recarpet every room BUT the room with the three-inch shag. Unless the entire house was shag and they wanted to leave some for the sake of nostalgia. Or perhaps they lost something important (like their pet - the carpet is probably shag-gy enough to hide a kitten, at the very least) in the carpet in that room and were hoping to someday recover it. Theories?)

- I got a letter last week saying that my admission status to Research College had been changed. Instead of re-reviewing my file in January, I will be automatically admitted as long as I receive a B in microbiology this semester. I got a 100% on a quiz last week. I hope that bodes well for the future.

- I have had two babies in to the Cheesecake Factory* over the past week who know sign language. I think this is fantastic. And, how cute is it to have a seven-month-old sign "thank you" when you hand her a plate of bananas? Pretty. Darn. Cute. I now know how to sign "You're welcome" just in case it happens again.

- I had an epiphany about Relationships tonight. It may be fairly obvious, but it's something I've been struggling with. I'd always been worried that because my parents did not have a successful Relationship, I wouldn't be able to either, or I would have a harder time forging** a successful Relationship. Then I realized something I'd never considered before - I will not have my parents' Relationship. I will share one of my own. Glorious!

*Please read this carefully - if you're reading too quickly, you might think it said, "I had two babies in the Cheesecake Factory over the past week." Which would be both medically miraculous, and somewhat (very) disturbing.

**This is not a phrase I came up with - but it's one I've been using since I heard it. (Thanks, Andrew!) I love the connotation when applied to a Relationship. Pretty fantastic, don't you agree?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so funny! And by the way, I think the room looks great!