Monday, September 24, 2007

I like...

Podrunner! An hour (ish) podcast of music that's 130 beats per minute (ish). Perfect for running. And yes, I'm back in a running phase. I wanted to take a boxing class, but feel that I need to delay that until after my health insurance kicks in. So, running it is. The goal is a 5K in November. Wait. No, it's not. I just want to run because the weather is beautiful, the leaves are turning, the music is good, and I like the way it feels. The new goal is to run as long as I like it.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Man. I still want to love running. But it just...won't...happen. Maybe podrunner is the cure?

Naw...There's no fooling myself. I'm just not a runner. *sobbing*