Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I have a cat. Sorta.

Warning: Do not read this post if you are easily scared. This is NOT like one of the banner ads on MySpace that says that, and then when you click on it, it's some lame ad for a new cursor. I mean it - if you have recently eaten, or are easily disturbed, or have been waffling about our friendship, don't do it.


Just stop. I warned you...

OK, you're still with me? Brave soul. Our topic today A&P dissection class!

I have been forced to enroll in an anatomy dissection lab in order to complete the 6 hours of A&P required for nursing school. (Other requirements include grades of "B" or better in various and sundry science classes, letters of reference that do not imply I am insane, and the desire to cram two years of nursing school into one "accelerated" year. Obviously, having this desire does imply that I am insane, but I digress.)

We are currently dissecting cats.

There is no way to blog this without sounding weird, so I'll just state the facts.

1. Dissection is really interesting because you don't realize both how strong and how fragile the body is until you're able to see it (or something comparable to it) in detail. I'm constantly amazed.

2. Everyone in my class has named their cat. It's easier, somehow, to say "Can you lift (insert name here)'s triceps in order to observe the biceps brachii?" The cat at the table in front of us is Jake. The table behind us has christened theirs Bojangles. Our cat is Mr. Marmalade.

3. The most disturbing part of dissection class so far actually happened AFTER dissection class. Yesterday in microbiology lecture, I was packing up my notebooks when I fur on my backpack.

Bad kitty, Mr. Marmalade, bad kitty.


Unknown said...

Oh wow. Yeah. Ummm...Cait must not have continued on.

Andrew said...

This is really disturbing. Um, maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore?