Yes, that's lettuce. Growing on a billboard. It's in Chicago at the intersection of Addison and Clark. Leo Burnett is responsible. I'm...well, lovin' it.
The most recent Sony Bravia ad is out. I personally don't think it's as good as either Paint or Balls, or even Pyramid, but it does involve a whole lotta PlayDoh (plasticine, if you're picky), which is always fun. (But can you imagine what it smelled like?) If you like it, you can thank Fallon. Or you can thank kozyndan - rumor is the ad is based on this still.
So real lettuce? Lettuce that needs to be cut. For salads? I'm lovin it too! Why can't K.C. have an ad that cool?
I'm sure Fallon came up with it on their own....
*cough* PLAGARISM! *cough*
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