Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Collective Chorus of "Aww!"

The Cutest Little Boy In the World sat at my table tonight. His name was Marco. He was roughly 2. He had huge brown eyes, equally huge chubby cheeks, a button nose, and perfect manners.

Before he left, he said thank you, and bye-bye, and proceeded to give me a hug and a kiss. There was a collective chorus of "Aww!" from the tables sitting nearby. It. Was. Adorable.

If my children are not that cute and well-behaved, I shall sell them on e-Bay.*

*If, through some miracle of technology, this blog post is still here 15 years from now, and is being read by my as-yet non-existent children - you don't need to worry. Mommy isn't going to sell you on e-Bay. Unless you're really, really bad.


Heather said...

:-D x One billion.

Also, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Heather said...

PS: Somehow I read the post that you wrote on the 21st. It was in my reader, yet it's not on your page. I just wanted to say, "Amen, sister!" Also, never ever feel like you have to take away posts like that. Ever.