Thursday, May 29, 2008

What do you say to this exactly?

Comments from work last night that I was not sure how to reply to:

1. "You're really hot, for a 27-year-old!" Um. Thanks, I think.

2. "You have really big lips!" Yes. Yes I do. I grew them myself.

3. "If you're not a good boy, we're going to send you to the kitchen with the waitress, and she's going to make you wash dishes!" Please do not use me to scare your children. The fact that I'm wearing a tie is frightening enough.


FereB said...

You're a very well-preserved 27 year old, what can I say???

Sneezy said...

You are 27?

Full lips are a sign you are healthy (aka free of tapeworms and other parasites).

I suspect washing the dishes is a form of punishment they use. You just happen to be the vehicle to punish the kids. Sadly, these are kids who are never going to wash their own dishes.

Erin said...

Thanks Fere! It must be all the time I spent doing R&D for Hostess - sorbic acid preserved more than just the Twinkies!

Ez - 1. Yes. 2. Nobody loves a parasite! 3. They'll never be servers either. The little guy was TERRIFIED.

Anonymous said...

i think it would be funny if you took him to the kitchen because then they could say the people in white took him away... because cheese wants to give the friendly vibe of institutional.

Unknown said...

my first thought.... "What is wrong with people??"

But.. yeah. I know.

I think your lips are just fine. I'm sure Andrew is quite happy with them. tee hee

How's the wedding planning going?

Anonymous said...

1. You're gorgeous, and teenage boys rarely abound in tact.
(I get this kind of comment all the time, too).

2. Your lips are part of why you're gorgeous.

3. Parents do this at the clinic to me all the time too ("Be quiet and sit still or the doctor's gonna give you a shot!")

To which I reply: "I don't give shots." (which is true since the medical assistants do it). And then I bring the kid a sticker. I REFUSE to be part of their sick, twisted, torture tactic, totally UNKSKILLED parenting.

Of course, I don't work for tips so.....maybe give the kid a sticker AFTER they've already tipped you?

Lorenia said...

Fere... you crack me up! Like you neeeeed to be preserved at 27? AT 27 YOU ARE A SPRING CHICKEN (says the freaked-out-about-being-26 26 year-old).

I feel bad for those kids with parents like that. I SYMPATHIZE.