Wednesday, December 5, 2007


You know how sometimes you're kind of stressed out (but not super stressed out) and you have a lot to do (but not so much you're not going to be able to get it done) except you're not going to really be able to start (at least, not yet) because you're just kind of staring at this big pile of STUFF you have to finish?

And you know how you think that you might not be able to even start until you just get a gigantic reassuring hug or at least the verbal reassurance that everything IS, in fact, going to be OK, just because that reassurance alone means that someone out there recognizes that you are able to do all of this (by "all of this" I mean work and school and life) without pulling your hair out and while still coming across as a relatively sane person?

Yeah, that's how I feel right now. So if anyone wants to drop by for a hugging, you're invited. I think a nap may have a similar effect, though, so I'll give that a shot too. And on Monday at 2:01 p.m., I will be normal again. Normal, of course, being relative.


Heather said...


You best be huggin' me back, ma'am, because I could sure use one as well! ;-)

Ohhhh, there shall be much hugging and laughing and talking and healing in Florida in just two short weeks.


Maysoon said...

hahaha I totally know how you feel!!!! I am going to work and school full-time and my heart is about to blow with all the rest of me. I say we schedule hugs hahaha! I really need one right now. I'll meet you have way : ) Maybe we can facilitate a hug fest ,ok maybe not (more work thats okay) hehehehe